Frequently Asked Questions
Website says 'Currently hiring in Latin America only'
Insta-Answer hires operators around the world. Unfortunately, we are only hiring operators located in Latin America at this time. Please check with us again soon, announcements on the website shall be made to inform you that we are once again hiring outside Latin America.
How do I land this job?
It starts with having a friendly and empathetic voice, so make sure to send an impressive voice recording as that sets the tone and increases your chances of getting hired. Like most remote jobs, your system needs to meet our requirements so having a decent and existing home-based work setup gives you that advantage. Be prepared and do well in your final interview. The rest will be determined on how well you do in Training.
Is this remote work?
It's 100% remote, which entails a lot of trust and confidence on both employer and employee. Having employees who have been with us for over 10 years is a testament on how genuine trust and respect can be strengthened in this environment.
Do I have to work full time?
Yes, the chances of doing part-time work is slim based on the company's needs at the moment.
What are the working hours?
We run a 24/7, 365 day operation so it will be a shifting 8 (and sometimes 10) hour work load. We are in high-demand in some occasions (holidays, inclement weather, season changes), so our agents need to be able to adapt in a fast-paced work environment.
How do I get paid?
The payment platform depends on your location. In most cases, we use Paypal. Your salary will be electronically wired to you every week.
Are you hiring Supervisors and Managers?
We take pride in giving our agents a chance to shine and prove that they can take on bigger responsibilities, so we only do internal hires for leadership positions.
In layman's term, what do you do, really?
We answer phones and take messages for offices that are usually already closed for the day. We then get "leveled-up" and take on more challenging calls like helping a trapped passenger in an elevator, do basic troubleshooting, or walking a caller through a dangerous situation that involves gas leaks. We could even get hired to be part of the special projects which offer additional perks and incentives.